Password Reset Process

Provider Data Portal Password Reset Process
  1. Click here to log into the CAQH Provider Data Portal.
  2. Note: You must ensure you are on the Participating Organization tab, before proceeding with the reset, as indicated on the screenshot below.
  3. Click “Forgot Password."

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  1. On the password reset page, enter the username and email address you use to access your account on the Provider Data Portal. Then click “Reset Password.”


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  2. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password within 15 minutes. If you do not receive the email, please check your spam filters and email rules. 

    Below is an example of that email.

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  1. Review the password guidelines, click on the “Reset Password” link. 
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  1. The Provider Data Portal will send another email indicating that your reset has been successful.


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Please contact the Solutions Center at 888-600-9802 with any questions, Monday – Friday 8AM – 5PM EST.