New Industry Roadmap Recommends Path Toward Sustainable Provider Data System

New Industry Roadmap Recommends Path Toward Sustainable Provider Data System

May 31, 2018

The Provider Data Action Alliance (PDAA), a diverse group of 20 healthcare leaders convened by CAQH, has released a roadmap outlining recommendations to address provider data issues impacting healthcare providers, patients and health plans. The industry spends $2 billion annually to maintain provider data, yet errors and inefficiencies remain, disrupting many crucial processes in the healthcare system.

An Industry Roadmap for Provider Data” outlines a core set of principles that can guide the development of an industry solution, a model for what the provider data system should look like and a plan to implement the vision and ensure industry support.

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  • Declare commitment to the vision: The industry must publicly commit to taking joint action to catalyze momentum and achieve industry alignment.
  • Form a not-for-profit, multi-stakeholder governance structure: To succeed, this endeavor requires governance by a diverse set of stakeholders capable of defining and shaping the necessary solution details.
  • Define an initial dataset and establish standards: Participating stakeholders should align on scope by defining the initial dataset on which to focus, as well as the standard against which to measure data quality.
  • Engage regulators and other essential groups to inform transformation: Educate regulators, accreditors and other stakeholders on the industry commitment so that, over time, any regulations and/or standards can be aligned with the industry solution.
  • Begin to formally measure and share the impact of industry efforts: Establish measures for value, cost and overall data accuracy so that the results of the industry-led effort can be assessed.

The Alliance – which includes over 20 participants representing industry stakeholders, including public and private payers, hospitals, provider groups, regulators, accreditors and health information exchanges – contributed to the Roadmap over a nine-month period. A CAQH white paper informed the discussion, along with a previous provider data Summit of healthcare leaders. Individuals from more than 100 organizations reviewed and gave input on the recommendations.

CAQH and the PDAA will continue to solicit additional support for the Roadmap and determine the next steps required to achieve the vision. Learn more about CAQH efforts around provider data here, and plan on attending the Breakfast Briefing on the roadmap if you are at the AHIP Institute & Expo on Thursday, June 21, from 7:15 - 8:15 am.